Tuesday, March 23, 2010

House Update

Things are going smoothly, but taking LONG. My lack of patience is starting to get the best of me, which is why you get to see these unfinished photos. Something I don't usually like to share.
Here is our foyer chandelier that I designed. It's crystal with a custom white shade that has chocolate brown piping around it. I love the way it looks in the window as you drive by our house. I'm so excited for the painting to be complete so I can have the protective plastic removed from it. Right now it feels like an old school grandma's couch!
This is something I bought a few weeks ago because I just had to have it. I had that pang of pain that if I left the store without it, I just might die. The only problem is...I have absolutely no use for it (or it's matching, but smaller counterpart that I forgot to mention I also purchased). To be fair to me - my husband discovered them in the store. Something tells me he might have even loved it more than I did because when I oohed and aahed and then whined I had no place to put it, he quickly suggested I buy it for our non-existent child to one day use as a toy or dress up chest. Sure!! However, now we seem a little crazy, don't we? Oh well. The trunk is far more beautiful in person. It's white with silver detailing throughout and silver nailheads framing the entire piece.
Remember my fireplace? The tile peeps are almost done! I snapped this photo while he was eating his lunch. He still has to do the right side and grout. Next we just need to remove the medallions (and tape) and add the top layer of clear & silver crystals to cover what's in there. Then more painting! Right now I think a crisp, bright and glossy white will be best. It's currently a dull eggshell.
The same day as the toy chest for the non existent child was purchased, so was this mirror. It's bark. How cool? As soon as the room is painted (the color on the left - Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter) it will be placed horizontally behind the couch and across from the fireplace. Then that super-comfy chair you see in the mirror can move back to its origin - exactly where the mirror currently is.

Hopefully for my patience and the sake of entertaining blog posts, all these things will be complete by next week.


Anonymous said...

Love the mirror!!! And the fireplace is looking awesome!!!

Amanda said...

Are you sure you want to remove the fireplace medallions?