Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow Day - Top 5

It's our first snow day of the season and it's been a ton of fun. We stayed home, wrapped all of our Christmas presents, baked and relaxed together. Here's my snow day top 5.

Cashmere leggings. Comfy, cozy and perfect for keeping warm and toasty.
The fireplace. There's nothing better than snuggling up in front of it and watching the snow fall.Feel good movies like one of my favorites, Can't Buy Me Love. Who doesn't love a little teenage Patrick Dempsey?
It's not as good as the Giggle Noodle of the 80s and 90s, but it brings back memories of snow days as a kid.
MightyLeaf's Earl Grey tea. As a year round tea drinker this is my absolute favorite. It's served at fine restaurants and hotels worldwide and if you try it, you'll know exactly why.
For those of you experiencing the snow this weekend, stay warm and most of all have fun!