Saturday, April 3, 2010

No Buy Buy For A Baby Of Mine

Yesterday during an afternoon in NYC, I popped into Buy Buy Baby for some market research. While walking through the strollers, which by the way are a MESS, the salesperson said to me "Congratulations!" It took a moment for it to register. Did she know I was opening a baby store and was giving me a thumbs-up on my latest venture? Perhaps she thought I was someone else? Now what probably clicked in your brain when you started reading this, didn't quite settle in as fast for me, but yes BINGO - She thought I was having a baby. Now I get that I was in a baby store, but is that just safe to assume? Wasn't it possible I already had kids and was upgrading my stroller, or perhaps buying a gift for a friend or family member? A little thrown off my game, I just smiled and said, "Oh, I'm not pregnant." To which she replied, "It's a girl! That's fantastic." Um OK...And with that I exited the store and did what any girl would do - found the closest mirror to obsess.


Anonymous said...

NEVER assume a woman might be pregnant! happened twice to me, once I was in incredible shape and still can hardly figure out what in the world the woman was thinking when she said that to me. the other time I had a laura ashley jumper on. I will never by laura ashley again. Good luck with your new baby store! where will it be?

Vanessa said...

Thanks! The store will be in Freehold, NJ and of course, online. The blog address for it before it opens is

Anonymous said...

Hey, it could be worse. You could have had a baby 3 months prior and have one of your neighbors---who you don't see too often ask you when the baby is due (even though you have lost all the weight already).
Self esteem= FAIL.